Monday, March 9, 2009

Dwight is Missing....

Well, I have a new title...
drum roll please....
"Director of SPECIAL Operations"
It feels very "related to" Assistant TO THE Regional Manager.

Which brings me to my point.

Someone has stolen Dwight from Dave.
If finding him, is not a "special operation", than, I don't know what is.

I gave our Senior Pastor, and my good friend, a Dwight Shrute Bobblehead last year...
and it has been stolen from his office.

This involves so many layers...
First of all, who steals from a Pastor? (This might very well be "going to hell material", in my opinion, which reflects no one else that I know, or am associated with.)

Second of all, the nerve, to take of all things, Dwight K. Shrute.

Third, they left behind, Coach K, Robert E Lee and Moses.

So, what we have learned here so far, is that our sticky-fingered friend watches "The Office", is not a Duke Fan, never whistled Dixie and probably has no clue who Moses is.

Clearly, the thief, ain't David McNitzky himself.

At First, I thought pictures would start sifting in with Dwight in various places...but alas, no...

He is gone.

Someone owes me 30 bucks.

And someone might be singing the song "It's getting hot in here."

"Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?"
Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times." Matthew 18:21, 22.

Really? Even when they steal the Pastor's bobblehead?

Yes, even then.

Grace and Peace,


Director of Special Operations

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Debbie, your topics are fascinating, fun to read and informative. Hope you find Dwight soon. And, congratulations on your new title-position-responsibility-duty-challenge-and identity. Wear it proudly and loudly. An after-thought: Maybe Dwidht went to South Padre for spring break to see if he could link up with a friend!