Monday, February 2, 2009


Little League tryouts....early Saturday morning....cold....

lined up in the stands like cattle...calves actually....with their new bats from Santa...
What will the coaches think? Who will pick who?

are you good enough?
These are my Godsons when they came off the field....they were happy.
Me: Way to go Hammies! (short for Brohams- or Brohammers) You were great!
You caught well.. threw well...batted well and ran super fast.
Them: Thanks! It was fun-
Me: I am so proud of you! Are you nervous to find out what team you are picked to be on?
Them: No. Our dad's are coaching...they will pick us.
No matter what happened today...we are already Chosen. So we just had fun- Cool huh?
Me: Very.
Thank you God, for picking us no matter how many times we fail, fall short or disappoint you.
Being Chosen is a gift we do not deserve or earn...just like Your Grace.
Thank you. May we "play well" for you today and everyday.
Grace and Peace,

1 comment:

Pops and Nana said...

LOVE THAT!! No better feeling than to know you've been chosen; and By God.....can't ever get any better!
Love, Honey Baby