Sunday, September 21, 2008

Look Who I Found...

Robert... amazing....I can't believe the only picture I got of him he is not smiling-He was happy and waiting to talk to the FEMA people about staying here in SA! He yelled my name when I walked in the big room and zoomed over to give me a hug-

Richard... He discovered if you wrap your fingers with a sugar packet and then put a band aid over it - the blood will be soaked up by the sugar. Apparently he is now a doctor.
He also informed me that he staying in San Antonio! He wants to live here and join our church he says "I want to volunteer there- if they are not grossed out by me"
Then I saw Tall Michael...
I almost didn't recognize him...his hair was in corn rows and under a skull cap...but when he flashed that giant grin- there was no mistaking it was him! He took the bus to the SA river today and walked around-
We had a great visit- did you guys know she was a special education teacher? She said " I used to sneak them children down to K-Mart to buy 'em things, they sure did like that."
(Made me wish we had spoiled her more when she was with us!)
She grew up in Abilene and her choir teacher was the man that wrote
"We Shall Overcome"
She most certainly has.
I wasn't able to take pictures of the others I saw....
Reginald, who was smiling wide- and quoting scripture like it was going out of style!
Mrs. Beechie, who was getting her foot cleaned-she needed a few things- so of course, I snuck in the back and swiped some stuff for some of them.
Had a nice visit with Annemarie, still has the big cast on her arm and now she has blown her knee out- and was in a wheelchair. Still smiling-
Lonnie was his black cowboy hat and long white beard. He was yelling at some kid who went to the bathroom in the handicapped stall, it was classic.

Deborah Holloway had just left-
Annie and Tall Mike leave tomorrow at some time for Huntsville-
They were still ranting and raving about your hospitality!!!
They miss you-
thank you for making a difference.
Tomorrow at some point I am heading to Park Hills to check on the rest of our gang-
Details to follow...stay tuned....
“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”-2 Corinthians 13:14
Grace and Peace,


Anonymous said...

Was Debora going back to Houston?c

Pops and Nana said...

Awesome, Debbi!! I KNOW they saw Christ in you!

Anonymous said...

so glad to hear our friends are doing well!! Thanks for the photos ---