Monday, July 9, 2012

Birthday Surprise...

"I am the ideal intercessor for you, 
because I understand you completely"- Jesus Lives

So...I celebrated my 45th birthday on Friday. 
Being the first time in 44 years that I would not wake up to Momo singing "Happy Birthday" to me....
I felt like this about it...

Lo and behold, God stepped in at lunch. 
He didn't just step in....(of course, He was already there.) 
However, He brought a strong reminder of His Sweetness and His Attention to every detail and desire of our lives.

The owner came up to say Happy Birthday and give me a hug. 
It was when I hugged her, I quickly recognized the scent. 
She was wearing Momo's perfume.
What were the odds? 
That I would be there when she was....that she happened to come upstairs...that I hadn't smelled it since Momo was wearing it...that she happened to be wearing THE perfume??? 

Yes, The Very God that is concerned about the homeless, the hurting and healing the also concerned about my heart....and your's. 

"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." ~John 14:8

I became and still am, very aware of celebrating life this year. 
Every aspect of it...
I have also been aware of God's Promise to be with us in the midst of every morsel of it. 

"Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you." ~Hebrews 13:5b

God, Thank You......I am overwhelmingly full of your Grace and Love 
In His Dust,


Jackie M said...

You need to turn all of these into a devotional and publish it!

Cambridge Land Surveyors said...

Good reading