Wednesday, January 27, 2010


One of my favorite verses is and always has been

“Be still, and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10

This is a command, that comes with a promise from God Himself!

The command?
"Be still."

Cover your mouth.
Bend your knees.
Sit still.

The promise?
"You will know that I am God."

I don't know about you...but BRING ON THE SECOND PART!
The first part I am not real good with.

Ok, fine, I flat out suck at being still.
However, G0d knows that about me and clearly, still commands me to do it HIS WAY.
For me this means, "Debbi, Sit Down. Shut your trap. Trust Me."

Max Lucado says, "In the midst of your daily storms, make it a point to be still and set your sights on him. Let God be God. Let him bathe you in his glory so that both your breath and your troubles are sucked from your soul.
Be still. Be quiet. Be open and willing. Then you will know that God is God.”God, Thank You for the rest we find when we are still Your Arms....with our eyes fixed on is only in this stillness, that we are truly safe.
In His Dust,

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