Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Yes Virginia, There Is An Emmanuel....

Yes, it really happened....There was a stable...there was a manger...
and there in the midst of it, was...Emmanuel. 
God with Skin on.

"The shepherds returned and let loose, glorifying and praising God for everything they had heard and seen. It turned out exactly the way they’d been told!" - Luke 2:20 

But, Mary stayed face to Face with The Very Son of God.

Can you imagine...
All of God's Promises to her rang precisely true....
down to the each and every detail.....

"Mary kept all these things to herself, 

holding them dear, deep within herself"-Luke 2:19

The Birth of her First Born Son...
Was she wondering why Joseph had not hired a night nurse?
Was she concerned about where to send thank you notes to the kings with no addresses?

Was she wondering who left the banana bread or who left the wine?
Imagine the elation...the flood of overwhelming gratitude...
The proximity and intimacy with God Himself!
She held Him.
He holds us.
She fed Him.
He feeds us.
She heard Him cry.
He hears us cry. 
She gave Him a place to rest. 
He gives us a place to rest.
She changed Him...
He changed her...

He changes us....

She found joy in Him...
He finds joy in us.

God, Thank You for stepping down from Your Throne to come here for each and every one of us. Happy Birthday.

In The Dust of The Stable,

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