Monday, December 15, 2014

Be Not Afraid....

"Don't be afraid! Listen! I bring good news, news of great joy,
 news that will affect all people everywhere." ~Luke 2:10

Our God is with us!!!

Yesterday afternoon was full of giggles for some...and others....not so much.

As I watched what seemed to be some kind of ancient interrogation methods 
upon very well dressed shorties.....
 It struck me that this is what so many of us adults feel too, during this time of year... 
 The man in the red suit might not strike terror in us.....
But other things this time of year sure do....
Long lists and short hours....
gift selecting, locating and buying.....
other drivers on the streets....
People's expectations that are impossible to meet....
Family members......
Silent nights are nowhere near.....
but don't be leery....
Take heart!!!
Our God is with us!!! 
Right in the middle of the very chaos we are rushing around in...
He is among us! 
We can run TO Him.
We don't have to fear "the fat man in a red suit"....
We have among us, The King of Kings...
The Lion of Judah.
The Maker of all things...
You included.

"Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see-how good God is
Blessed are you who run to Him" Psalm 34:8

God, May we create time to taste Your Presence during this season....
Sprinkle our souls with Your Peace....may we inhale a little more of You in every handful.  

In His Dust,

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