Monday, September 15, 2014

What Can You Bring....

15 years ago, we set up folding chairs on a Sunday morning 
and attempted to worship God in cold looking gym.
We showed up and Jesus was waiting there for us...
with much bigger plans than we could have imagined.

15 years of faith and stepping out of the boat.....
God has blessed this place and the people touched by it.
Similar to the little boy who gave Jesus his lunch in order to feed the 5,000. (John 6:9-15)
Neither of us had any idea how big, how far and how wide God would show Himself this place...and to the people in and outside of its walls.
 "When the people saw the sign that he had done, they said, The people realized that God was at work among them in what Jesus had done." ~John 6:14
The boy brought a little bit of lunch. 
We brought uncomfortable folding chairs 
What can you bring today?
Can you bring Him a little bit of your fear?
A little bit of your pain? Little bit of Your anxiety?
I bet you will be blown away with what He can do with it.
He can take it and make it better.
I promise and more importantly He does too.

God, We bless You for the amazing things you do and for letting us see them.

In His Dust,

1 comment:

Cayce and Joel Harris said...

So good Debs. makes me want to eat my sandwich a little slower, outside, with a friend.

Loved just getting to be in the room. And thankful for the many times I've gotten to be.