Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Big C & The Sword...

I polled Corbin this am to ask what I should blog about and he told me....
Big C: "ummmm, probly Adam and Eve."

Me: "Ok. What should I tell people about them?"

Big C: "Ummmm....the snake."

Me: "Ok. Tell me more....where did they live?"

Big C: "In a garden and there was a tree that God told them not to eat off . 
Then the snake came."

Me: "What did he do?"

Big C: "He told Eve to eat the apple from the tree. Then the both ate it."

Me: "Did they get in trouble?"

Big C: "Yup, boff of 'em. They even had to leave the garden. 
             Not to a hotel or their parent's house, because they are grown ups silly. 

Me: "What did Eve say to the snake?"

Big C: (with a horrific stink eye) 
"Eve looked at the snake and said.... 
What are YOU doin' here?!!!! 
Get on outta here!!!"

Me: "I need to give that snake the same stink eye today."

At this point I realized, Corbin had been working real hard on a drawing, it was a sword.

I got God's Message loud and clear thru Corbin, his Nerf sword and a blue marker. 
It was a reminder to put on His Armor. 
"Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your 
stand against the devil's schemes." ~Ephesians 6:11

The sixth piece of armor Paul mentions is: 
"the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God." ~Ephesians 6:7b

Unlike other pieces of armor The Sword can be used in defensive and offensive roles. 
Jesus Himself, lived "By every word that proceeds from the Mouth of God"-Matthew 4:4

For each of us, It is God Who gives the victory. It is His Sword is what will deliver us. 

Thank You God, for constant presence and awareness of all of our worries. I bless You for Your Word and claim it as a Lamp unto my feet and a Light to my path.

In His Dust,

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