Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sound of Music...

45 years? Seriously??
"The Sound of Music", Academy Award Winner for Best Picture of 1965.
Remember where you saw it first?

I do....with Mom and Nonnie (great-grandmother), they took me to The San Pedro Theatre.

There I sat, about 4 or 5 years old...with 14 pounds of buttery-salted popcorn and an icy Coke big enough to take a bath in.

It was one of the very first movies I ever saw....and since most of you...I have seen it
more times that I could possibly count.
Like most of you...I know the words to all the songs...and like most of you, I make up the ones I don't know....(especially from that bizarre-o goat puppet show.)
Like most of you, Edelweiss makes me cry....
and like most of you (girls), I wanted to dance with Rolf in that gazebo....until he blew that whistle...and then...he became dead to me. My heart still pounds wondering if they will sneak away in time....
Like most of you...The movie/play holds a very deep place in my heart...
as do the people that took me to see it.
They are and always will be my favorite things.

"All good and perfect things come from God." James 1:17

I love God so much for blessing my life with gifts that continue to give.

God, Thank you for the gift of song and the sound of music.

In His Dust,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and thank you God for your perfect gift of Debbi