Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday- Tetelestai

"God is on a cross. The creator of the universe is being executed.
Spit and blood are caked to his cheeks, and his lips are cracked and swollen.
Thorns rip his scalp. His lungs scream with pain. His legs knot with cramps . . .
And there is no one to save him, for he is sacrificing himself.
It is no normal six hours . . . it is no normal Friday." ~Max Lucado

The time has come.
Just before dawn, Jesus is tried before Pilate and Herod Antipas.
After hours upon hours of being beaten, whipped, flogged, mocked, spit on...
He sets His Face like flint...and walks to the cross.
For You.
For Me
At 9 am , Jesus is nailed to the cross.

At noon the whole country was covered with darkness, 
which lasted for three hours.” ~Matthew 27:45
"Of course the sky is dark; people are killing the Light of the World . . .
The sky weeps. And a lamb bleats. Remember the time of the scream? “At about three o’clock Jesus cried out.” Three o’clock in the afternoon, the hour of the temple sacrifice. Less than a mile to the east, a finely clothed priest leads a lamb to the slaughter, unaware that his work is futile. Heaven is not looking at the lamb of man but at 
“The Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” John 1:29 ~Max Lucado

Jesus Looked up at His Father....and said, "IT IS FINISHED!"
And at 3 pm, Jesus, The Very Son Of God Himself dies.
It Is Finished in Greek is the word- "TETELESTAI!"
The word "Tetelestai" is found on 
ancient tax bills, business transactions and sales receipts...
it brings closure to any bill or transaction while announcing-"Paid In Full."

That's it. 
"It Is Finished"
The ransom is paid. 
The debt has been erased. 
Everything is accounted for.
The case is closed.

“The Good Shepherd puts the sheep before himself.” ~John 10:11

Before the sun sets, as according to Jewish tradition, Jesus is taken down and placed in a very heavily secured and sealed tomb.

"Darkness fell, His Friends Scattered, hope seemed lost- but heaven just started counting to three." - Bob Goff

God, I am so sorry. I love you.

In His Dust,

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