Monday, October 28, 2013

Perfect Protection...

"But You, God, shield me on all sides; 
You ground my feet, You lift my head high."
-Psalm 3:3
The word "shield" actually means much more than just a shield....
It was more like...
Completely covered and surrounded...Soft enough on the inside and tough enough on the outside. David was confident in God's Protection. This included his past, present and future. 
I went to a baseball game yesterday afternoon....I paid close attention to the catcher and all of the gear he wore.
He was protected on all to bottom...behind the ball and ahead of it.
"As for God, His Way is perfect; He is a shield to all who trust in Him." ~Psalm 18:30 
This is how He sends us out...
And we act like he sends us out in this...
barely covered at all...with a cheaply made cardboard covering.
God, Thank You for your protection on all sides. May we find what David found.
In His Dust,

1 comment:

Cayce and Joel Harris said...

This is so good roomie, thanks.