Monday, August 12, 2013

The Cloud...

I went on a walk yesterday.....the bad news it was about 300 degrees. 
The good news....One giant rain cloud followed me.
I didn't acknowledge it until a few random drops fell...almost as if to get my attention.
It was then I realized It had "followed"me the entire walk.

Forgive the dramatization, but it reminded me of....

"By day The Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people."~Exodus 13:21-22

Although, it was a tad different than wandering in Egypt for 40 years....
I was in Olmos Park Basin and not the Egyptian desert.
I was not lost....but within a mile from my home.
I had great worship tunes blaring in my ears to keep me entertained.
I drank clean bottled water and hopped right back in a nice air conditioned Tahoe.
When I decided I was finished, I was able to stop wandering.

It was God's Same Provision....His Guidance, all the same.
The difference in my comfort level while under this cloud, was astounding to me.
What surprised me even more, was that my entire remained above me. 
Almost as if it was was following me. 
It was as if it "never left its place."

It made me to wonder...what are the other clouds I am walking under in my life and not seeing.
Where is God providing for me? 
Why am I not slowing down enough to notice and Thank him for it!
what could possibly be more important than slowing down to look up and notice.

"You, The Lord, have been seen face to face, 
Your Cloud stays over them"- Numbers 14:14b

God, Thank You for never leaving Your Place over me. Over all of us.

In His Dust,

1 comment:

Frances Bains said...

Reminds me of David's sermon yesterday making sure we thank God for all He does for us. Even if we have to go back to do so.