Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thank You...

"He took the cup and gave thanks...
then He took the bread and gave thanks."
~ Luke 22:17,19

It amazes me that Jesus was hours away from being...betrayed, abandoned and offering His Life for us. And yet, He chose to be Thankful during this time.

God, Thank You for a year overflowing with blessings.
Some were blatant....
Some were well disguised...
Some were wrapped in grief...
Some were wrapped in laughter and tostado burgers....
Some were wrapped in predictable old friends and bean cups....
Some were wrapped in unexpected new friends and Bible Studies...
Some were wrapped in giggling nieces and precious Godchildren...
Some were wrapped in Mom and Dad...

However, ALL were wrapped in You and By You.
Because "All good and perfect things come from You."
And for that fact....
I choose Thanks.

In His Dust,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

but, most of all,I am grateful and thankful for my precious children and grandgirls
who bring the joy of life