Monday, April 2, 2012


"Hosanna in the highest" ~Mark 11:10

Guess who stood up in church???Yes ma'am! Libby stood up....and stood there with lifted arms....
As she worshiped our awesome God.

The same God that came on Palm Sunday several thousand years ago,
"stood" with her yesterday.

....and I got one thing to say about that,
"Blessed is The One who comes in the name of The Lord" ~Mark 11:9

The same God that ain't scared of Lou Gehrig's disease....
The God that ain't scared of cancer...
or divorce...or anxiety...or depression...
The God that ain't scared of hips out of sockets...
Grace truly is dancing all around us.....

God, Thank You for miracles right before our very eyes.

In His Dust,

1 comment:

Jennifer McD said...

Praise God! What an incredible blessing. Thank you for sharing.