Monday, September 21, 2015

Promise of Fall....

It's Monday......and I think Al Roker might be a liar.
According to him...and many other sources....SUPPOSEDLY.....Fall starts this week.
Not according to the source of my eyes or skin. 

On my pre-sunrise walk this September morning...
My eyes and skin felt like a Bikram Yoga stroll....

Which led me to think about other things that look & feel one way 
but, God Promises they are or will be...another.

He assures us that our "eyes" and "skin" might not always believe what they see and feel....and that they can't always be trusted. 
God can.
He is worthy of our trust.

He says, "I don't think the way you think. 
The way you work isn't the way I work." -Isaiah 55:8

He understands things and time in a way we can't possibly fathom.

"He changes times and seasons." -Daniel 2:21a

So, if He can make a cool & crispy Fall come out of a long & sweaty Summer....
(and make no mistake, He will.)
certainly...I can trust him with the days of my life.

God alone, can take our "sweatiest days"....and cool them right down.

He promises to take our most broken days...
and turn them into something beautiful, through
The Promise of Fall.

God, Thank You for keeping Your Promises.... 

In His Dust,

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