Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday...

We've been discussing what happened on Good Friday.....
how God "looked away" from Jesus...what that must have felt like....
How He could do it....Why He would do it.
How was Mary able to keep breathing? 

Can you imagine?

Don't some days, weeks or even years, feel like every time you check your phone there is message from a friend...or friend of a friend...
with a terminal diagnosis...or a tragic freak accident....
a second occurrence, with a vengeance...incredibly vibrant lives of faithful believers....
an innocent child left behind...parents living their lives without their sons or daughters....young spouses left to live alone...children born with special needs...
Doesn't look fair does it?

It's not.

Neither was that Friday at Golgotha.
It was dark and frustrating and confusing...
And not fair.
There didn't seem to be any signs of hope left. 
There certainly didn't seem to be any sense to be made of Innocent Jesus, 
The Very Son Of God- being spit upon, mocked and tortured.
What occurred here was hideous...disfiguring...not comprehensible.
At this moment....there was no Easter Sunday...
at least that human eyes could see or imagine. 

For all the days when it feels like Sunday is NEVER coming....
things can NEVER be made right....this can NEVER make sense...

For all the "Good Friday" days in your life, both past present and future....
make NO mistake....Easter Sunday is EVERYTHING.
God turns it all around...brings His Victory....tells death to suck it!
Tells cancer- it does NOT win.
Tells injustice...Who The Judge Is.
Tells you and tells me....I AM THE GREAT I AM.

"You don't have to wait for the end. I Am, right now, Resurrection and Life. The one who believes in Me, even though he or she dies, will live.
Everyone who lives believing in Me, does not ultimately die at all." -John 11:25

God, Thank You for Your unspeakable sacrifice. Thank You that "Sunday" is coming.

In His Dust,