Monday, August 27, 2012

All Things New...

 "Look I am making everything new!" ~Revelation 21:5a 

Thank. The. Lord.

I am not gonna lie...this summer can NOT be over soon enough! 

Don't get me wrong
I AM going to miss all the late nights and sleeping in....
baseball hats and no makeup...pjs until noon...
sunburns and wet bathing suits hanging on the door...

However, it is time to clean up....slick the hair back (or in some cases, down.)
The sights and sounds of this morning.....


Daaaaaad gummmmmm... 
they make me as happy as this guy! 

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: 
The old has gone, the new has come! " ~2 Corinthians 5:17

God, Thank You for Your Presence in each day & each season of our lives, good and bad. 

In His Dust,

Monday, August 20, 2012

Lord Have Murphy....

I had lunch with Lukey Duke and Kate on Friday.

Someone at the table may or may not have been in time out...which led to the discussion of getting in trouble and being forgiven.
Kate gave me a long explanation of forgiveness....

"We all mess up sometimes, but if we ask Jesus to forgive us, He just does."

Then I was informed by the toe headed one...that when we did mess up....
"Jesus would have MURPHY on us." 

I assumed the character below is Murphy. 

However....lo and behold....Murphy is not the precious red head on Luke, in this picture.
Upon further investigation and conversation- over 14 packets of butter on one tortilla....
I found out He was referring to... 

            "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." ~Matthew 5:7

Mercy, as well as Murphy, always forgives and perseveres. We all need Murphy.

God, Thank You for Your Mercy. May we notice, care and act on the troubles of others, just as You do for us.

In His Dust,

Monday, August 13, 2012

Little Moments...

We had an Olympic closing ceremony party last night.

Everyone came in full costume, because we are patriots and that is how we roll. 

After switching out 45,000 of Hee Hee's fun cups....
we were treated to 1 or possibly 18 "ribbon dance performances"
 We all watched and cheered them on.
(We gave Michael Phelps' Mom and The Raisman's a run for their money.)
After the ribbon dancers finished their performances, 
they were able to stretch out and take a load off on life sized animals that 
Hee Hee bought...just because.
 Well, why wouldn't she? 
When you find stuffed animals that have the eye color or each girl....
of course you have to buy them.
Watching them made me wonder, what other moments am I passing by today. 
The ones that seem small and simple, not deep and spiritual. 

For aren't those the very things that make the highlight roll? 

"Enjoy the little things in life, 
for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things" -Antonio Smith

God, Thank you for the past two weeks and all of the little moments in them. I am so grateful that You are God of each and every moment.

In His Dust,

Monday, August 6, 2012


"I will say of The Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; 
my God, in Him I will trust." ~Psalm 91:2

It's 200 degrees in San naturally at 3:00, it is time for a lemonade stand.
Of course the stand itself was semi-in-the-shade...which was a much lesser 180 degrees.

However, I had the bright idea of sending King Drew & Austin out to Broadway, 
where the traffic was better and the shade was non-existent.
Mixed with the concrete, it felt somewhat similar to the 7th circle of hell.
Drew was a champ....he yelled to everyone driving by.....
"Hey....want some MEMOLADE??!!??"

Quite frankly, when it is 400 degrees (heat index) and Drew Boynton offers you MEMOLADE...I feel, by all means, you should take it.....unless you have a dead heart, which some did, I will refrain from names.

At this point, Drew was a cute shade of purple and decided he should get in the shade.
Silly me, I thought, we would head back to The Crocker's....wrong again.
I turned to find Drew in the shadow of stop sign.
it barely covered his big toe. 

"The Lord watches over you--
The Lord is your shade at your right hand" ~Psalm 121:5

It struck me that when God says I Am your shade, He doesn't just cover your big toe....
He is covering you and me, from head to toe.
In Him, each of us have our personal, "umbrella from the heat." 

Heat might look like a summer day in might be test results, anxiety, fear, disappointment, insecurity, trouble or worry. No matter what the threat or attack is...His protection will surround and cover us.

Friday turned out to be more than a lemonade stand-
It was a lesson from God Himself. 

 "The God- begotten are also the God-protected.
The evil one can't lay a hand on them" ~1 John 5:19 

God, Thank You for the shade only You can provide.

In His Dust,

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


"Then He told me, My grace is enough; it's all you need. 
 My strength comes into its own in your weakness." ~1 Corinthians 12:9

I think God has been pointing me towards this theme all summer.

One of my favorite people, Crocker, ruptured his Achilles tendon.  
I have watched him hobble around for over a month now....
(please note, this is not an actual picture of Reverend Crocker)

God used this to make me aware of the term Achilles Heel. 
(Someone's main point of weakness.)

Which after alot more time...has lead to me being aware aware of His Power in situations.

Remember these cats? Martha was a anxious, a worrier, Thomas was a doubter, 
Elijah was moody, Jonah was fearful...oh yeah, and Lazarus? He was dead.

God proved Himself in their weaknesses. 
He will do the very same in your's and mine
...I have seen it.

You will too, if you look for it.

God, Thank You for taking our concerns and letting them rest in Your Big Strong Hands.

In His Dust,