Monday, July 23, 2012

Better Than Ever...

I gave the children's sermon yesterday in three different services....
It was a day of bluegrass/country old hymns....which led to my feeling emotional about missing my grandparents yesterday.

It was right before the 11:00 service started, that one of Momo's oldest friends came up to me and asked me "how my grandmother was doing?"I was stunned....and sad. I realized a couple things quickly.....
One, This precious friend was losing her memory.
Two, I was going to have to tell her that her friend since childhood passed away almost 8 months
Three, this brought a lump to my throat, that was going to be hard to hide in front of 800 people. 

So, I kneeled down and held the soft hand of this precious lady...I looked her straight in the eyes~and with honest answer, gave her a kiss on the cheek and said,
"Momo is better than she's ever been. I love you for asking."

As I watched her roll away in her wheelchair, I was and still am grateful to God that Momo IS better than she has ever been! She is healed and dancing with Big Con.

"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." ~Revelation 21:4

God, Thank You for the making all things new....and for the reminder, that those that we love and have lost...are not lost.

In His Dust,

P.S. Jesus hit it out of the park at 11:00.

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