Sunday, April 3, 2011

Where's Jesus...

I got a new app that the kids have been playing on my phone...

Fine, I may or may not have been playing as well...

Lots of familiar names and faces Jesus, Mary, Moses, David, The Lion, The Sheep, The Dove are all hiding in various places....

After many hours of playing this at the ball park the other day, Mikey asked me, "Shouldn't it be easier to find Jesus?" Me: "Ummmm....yes, yes it should and it is." Mikey: "Huh?" Me: "The object for anyone playing on my to learn to look for Him." Mikey: "Did you just make that up?" Me: "Yes, yes I did."

Where's Jesus in the picture of your life? I know that the picture might be crowded....hurried....scheduled.....chaotic.... Look around....Do you see someone? Anyone? Then you see...Him. He is right in front of your face.

God, Thank You for never hiding from any of us.

In His Dust, DCC

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i see Him in your smile and i hear Him in your words...for that i thank Him.................