Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School...

Hey Howard Kindergarten, Meet Big Mike D.
Mikey- "I was in the front row. I even made a friend. She was on my bus....also, she's a girl."
Me- "I got one thing to say...Peas and Carrots."

*Truth by known, I prefer him to be "peas in carrots" with a different girl.
Who by the way is also enjoying her first day of Kindergarten!

ok...back to Howard...

First stroll of the Kindergarten halls and his head's in the game...
Well, until he go to the actual class.

Hmmm....Fear of the unknown.

"Fear Nothing, I am with you always." Isaiah 41:10

ALL of you.

God, thank you for being with all of us, all the time.

Nothing is unknown to You.

In His Dust,


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