Wednesday, September 21, 2011

We Did It!!!!

I have been associated with Alamo Heights High School since...well, before I was born.
I graduated from there in 1985-
It has always held a very special and active place in my life.

Never in all my years- have I been as proud to be associated with Alamo Heights as I was Wednesday night.

This is Drew Boynton.
Drew is a graduating Senior this year.
He was nominated for Homecoming King- which is voted on by the entire school body.

The nominees stand in front of everyone- while their families and friends hold their breath until the name is called... There was a drum roll....and then we all heard it.
Drew's response???
He yelled- "WE DID IT!!"
and he yelled it...about a hundred times.

Not one time did I hear him say- "I did it."
It was all about "we"
and he is right,
we did.

We ALL won.

A true community that loves each other won...

A community that has taught their children that we are all equal, won...

Young boys- who have grown into gracious young men, they won...

Pure Joy Won...

Peer Tutors and loving kids won...

Goodness and Mercy Won....

Mentors won...

College friends and family that went nuts on Facebook,Twitter and texting....they won

Parents that have left it all on the field for 18 years and will continue too, they won.

Then I looked up and saw "the king" glide across the field, to join his class at the bonfire. At first he walked alone- looking like a blue darth vader, waving his Mule Cape....

then slowly, they gathered him back under there wings.

I'm not sure which shined more brightly,

The flaming AH...

Drew's smile....

Or his classmate's smiles as they watched him....

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." ~John 13:34-35

Congratulations Drew, you won last night!
But then again, didn't we all?

God, Thank You for showing Yourself so clearly all over the place last night.

In His Dust,



  1. What a GREAT blog about a GREAT guy and a GREAT day! Congrats Drew. Ronald and Barbie Hill :)


  3. Beautifully written Debbie! Thank you for this nugget this day! Xo Kate Kingman

  4. Debbie, my friend Catherine forwarded this to me...I'm in Florida now and don't hear too much about ole AHHS in these parts. But I am in tears over this. What an amazing story...truly, it brings new meaning to Mule Pride. Thanks for sharing it so beautifully.
