Monday, November 30, 2015

Who Are We Celebrating?

I was in church yesterday when someone walked up to me and announced..."I know your name, I hear it all over the place, but I have no idea who you are."

Hmmmmm.....there's a loaded statement. 
One I didn't take lightly.

In order to know who I am....
You'd have to watch me....
how I interact with others and treat them. 
You might ask others that know me well....
you might even watch them, as they can be a reflection of me....
"A mirror reflects a person's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses" ~Proverbs 27:19
I started thinking about Christmas....many of us, me included, know what we are celebrating....after all the name Christmas, is fairly recognizable. Whether you believe the story or not.
The question is, am I showing others WHO we are celebrating?

At times yes. I am blaring my Christmas Mixes on Spotify....I am buying presents, I am decorating, I am discussing plans....

But, am I showing Him 
in the way I move about and treat others in the middle of all of this busyness?

The possibilities are endless during the next few weeks....
Can I let someone cut in front of me in line at Target? Or worse....Tekas?
Can I slow down enough, to notice the things or people I am missing?

Maybe others can see Him more clearly if we slow down and show them.
Maybe then they will know WHO we are celebrating.

God, Thank You for the opportunities You are putting right in front of us.

In His Dust,

Monday, November 2, 2015

With Us....

The Shepherd isn't always out in front leading His sheep....
in the lengthening twilight, when the sheep must pass through the darkest shadows in the deepest wadis (valleys), The Shepherd drops back and walks with them." ~Ray VanderLaan

We spent one morning in Israel watching a real shepherd girl lead her sheep on a rocky hillside. It was just as you would imagine....she walked in front of a bunch sheep and they followed was fairly uneventful. (Although fascinating to watch the 23rd Psalm come to life.)

However, as the sun set and night came, the shepherd headed to the back of the flock...among the sheep.

In the dark valley where it was "hard to see" where there were "unknowns"...the shepherd walked AMONG them. 

And in our valleys....and our dark nights....OUR Shepherd walks among US.
"Because You are with me in those dark moments,
with Your protection and guidance, I am comforted." ~Psalm 23:4b 
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you
When you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you." ~Isaiah 43:2 
"Be strong. Take courage. Your God, is right there with you.
He won't let you down; He won't leave you." ~Deuteronomy 31:6

Whether you find yourself or someone you love, in a valley today...
no matter how dark it is...
make no mistake, 
He is With You and He is with them.

God, Thank You for walking WITH us.

In His Dust,