"If you look reaaaaaaallllll hard, you can see the castle.
It's all the way...far, far away in candyland." -Alice Mims
365 days...hard to grasp.
Somedays it feels like the ones we are missing are....far, far away, in a castle, somewhere in Candyland.
Somedays it feels like they're as close to us as the tortilla on her face.
Somedays it feels like the ones we are missing are....far, far away, in a castle, somewhere in Candyland.
Somedays it feels like they're as close to us as the tortilla on her face.
I'd sure love to see your eyes light up when I walk in the back door....you know, the way only a grandmother's do.
I'd sure love to tell you about a bad day or disappointments, just to hear you say, I still think you're perfect.....as only the way a grandmother can.
I'd love to show you pictures of Riley, Kate and Alice and tell you about how amazingly perfect and funny and sweet they are....so you could say, "tell me again, I didn't quite hear you Hon." (Knowing you heard perfectly you just wanted the bragging repeated!)....as only a grandmother can.
I'd love to hug Jesus' neck to thank Him for buying our ticket back to you and other's who have gone on before us...as only a Savior Can.
I understand that the only way to be face to face with Him and Big Con is to be away from us.....and that is a tab I am willing to wipe a tear away and pick up.
"You don't have to wait for the end.
I Am, right now, Resurrection and Life.
The one who believes in Me, even though he or she dies, will live." ~John 11:25
I will.
To be face to face with Christ and loved ones...
is to be away from us...and that is a tab that I am willing pick up.
(As I wipe away a tear and grab a tortilla.)
I still love you My Little Momo. I always will.
Thanks for an incredible 44 year ride.
God, Thank You for the life of Momo. Thank You for providing an abundance of laughter among the tears for the past year. Thank You most of all for Your Son, in Him...there is no sting.
In His Dust,
In His Dust,
Susan Mims Blair's Granddaughter