Monday, May 31, 2010

I Remember...

There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for his friends." ~John 15:13

Con Mims, Jr -Laredo 1922

For many people...Memorial Day is not just a Monday that starts off Summertime

Memorial day is EVERY day.

Today, I remember my Grandfather, Big Con...although I never knew him. 
I know all about him....
I will remember.

I know of his character and love because he lives on through my Mom and Uncle Con, and for 67 years, through the love of my precious Grandmother, Momo. 

I know, very clearly, why they are the greatest generation.

I know and I remember.

I also know that we will all meet and be together one day.

I remember....
The heavy price.

I also remember we are loved and fully known by God, 
Who fully understands paying a heavy price. 

"You were bought at a price." ~1 Corinthians 6:20a

God, Thank You for the life of this man, Con Mims, Jr. and all of those who gave their lives alongside of him. Please give the peace that passes all understanding to all of those who have lost loved ones in the service of our country.
Thank you for sending Your Son, who bought our Eternal Freedom with the incomparable price.

In His Dust,

Friday, May 28, 2010

Lion's Den...

Been one of those weeks? It's survived.
It's a long weekend- brought you by Our God.
God, Thank You for time to recharge...please blanket this time with Your Presence.

In His Dust,
*Cartoon by Cuyler Black

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Two ears one mouth (plus 2 longs floppy ones)
Listen. Listen closely.
Listening before speaking is a Biblical concept.
This is apparently a simple concept...not sure why I don't get it-the little people above seem to.

God has been impressing upon my heart....some people just need to be heard. Mountains become molehills unnecessarily when this does not occur.
Business settings or personal situation....when God puts someone in your path...maybe answers aren't needed....defending a situation or a person is not needed...
Cliff Note's version for me-
Hey Debbi, Sit down.....shut up....and listen.

God, Thank You for the gentle reminders....and the precious faced examples of how to listen with my whole heart.

In His Dust,


Monday, May 24, 2010

Mikey on Stage...

One of the sermons I heard yesterday, was called "What Are You Waiting For?"
(Cliff's Notes version- Jesus called you to LIVE a life of abundance.)

6 hours later I find myself dinner...The Argyle.
It was about 357 degrees...400% humidity.
I am listening to the band and I see an "extra guitarist" join them on stage.
I see the sermon I just heard, coming to life.

Big Mike D.
Mikey understands the concept of living abundantly, very clearly.
He knows sometimes standing on the sidelines doesn't cut have to jump in...

don't worry about not having the right instrument...or being covered in ketchup...and orange soda....
Whether it looks like we fit in or not....
you just gotta get up there and play with what you got.

God, Thank You for the great opportunities You put right in front of my face...please show me exactly where they are.

In His Dust,

Friday, May 21, 2010

God in The Box...

Do yourself a favor...let God OUT of the box this weekend...He does NOT fit in there anyway.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,
declares The Lord.

As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8,9

God, Thank You for having a much bigger plan than what we see.

In His Dust,


Wednesday, May 19, 2010


by Max Lucado

Goliaths still roam our world. Debt. Disaster. Dialysis. Danger. Deceit. Disease. Depression. Super-size challenges still swagger and strut, still pilfer sleep and embezzle peace and liposuction joy. But they can’t dominate you. You know how to deal with them. You face giants by facing God first.

Focus on giants—you stumble.
Focus on God—your giants tumble.

You know what David knew, and you do what David did. You pick up five stones, and you make five decisions.
Ever wonder why David took five stones into battle? Why not two or twenty? Rereading his story reveals five answers. Use your five fingers to remind you of the five stones you need to face down your Goliath. Let your thumb remind you of … 1. THE STONE OF THE PAST
Goliath jogged David’s memory. Elah was a déjà vu. While everyone else quivered, David remembered. God had given him strength to wrestle a lion and strong-arm a bear. Wouldn’t he do the same with the giant? A good memory makes heroes.

“Remember His marvelous works which He has done” (1 Chron. 16:12). Catalog God’s successes. Keep a list of his world records. Has he not walked you through high waters? Proven to be faithful? Have you not known his provision? How many nights have you gone to bed hungry? Mornings awakened in the cold? He has made roadkill out of your enemies. Write today’s worries in sand. Chisel yesterday’s victories in stone. Pick up the stone of the past. Then select …

Note the valley between your thumb and finger. To pass from one to the next you must go through it. Let it remind you of David’s descent. Before going high, David went low; before ascending to fight, David descended to prepare. Don’t face your giant without first doing the same. Dedicate time to prayer. Paul, the apostle, wrote, “Prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long” (Eph. 6:18 MSG).

Prayer spawned David’s successes. His Brook Besor wisdom grew out of the moment he “strengthened himself in the Lord his God” (1 Sam. 30:6). When Saul’s soldiers tried to capture him, David turned toward God: “You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble” (Ps. 59:16).

Invite God’s help. Pick up the stone of prayer. And don’t neglect … 3. THE STONE OF PRIORITY
Let your tallest finger remind you of your highest priority: God’s reputation. David jealously guarded it. No one was going to defame his Lord. David fought so that “all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s” (1 Sam. 17:46–47).

David saw Goliath as a chance for God to show off! Did David know he would exit the battle alive? No. But he was willing to give his life for the reputation of God.

What if you saw your giant in the same manner? Rather than begrudge him, welcome him. Your cancer is God’s chance to flex his healing muscles. Your sin is God’s opportunity to showcase grace. Your struggling marriage can billboard God’s power. See your struggle as God’s canvas. On it he will paint his multicolored supremacy. Announce God’s name and then reach for …

David ran, not away from, but toward his giant. On one side of the battlefield, Saul and his cowardly army gulped. On the other, Goliath and his skull-splitters scoffed. In the middle, the shepherd boy ran on his spindly legs. Who bet on David? Who put money on the kid from Bethlehem? Not the Philistines. Not the Hebrews. Not David’s siblings or David’s king. But God did.

And since God did, and since David knew God did, the skinny runt became a blur of pumping knees and a swirling sling. He ran toward his giant.

Let your ring finger remind you to take up the stone of passion.
One more stone, and finger, remains:

David didn’t think one rock would do. He knew Goliath had four behemoth relatives. For all David knew, they’d come running over the hill to defend their kin. David was ready to empty the chamber if that’s what it took. Imitate him. Never give up. One prayer might not be enough. One apology might not do it. One day or month of resolve might not suffice. You may get knocked down a time or two … but don’t quit. Keep loading the rocks. Keep swinging the sling.

David took five stones. He made five decisions. Do likewise. Past. Prayer. Priority. Passion. And persistence.

Next time Goliath wakes you up, reach for a stone. Odds are, he’ll be out of the room before you can load your sling.
God, Thank You for leading us to the stones and patiently teaching us exactly how to use them.

In His Dust,

Monday, May 17, 2010


How awesome that each day of our life is provided by God, who sent His One and Only Son,
so that we would have life and have it abundantly!
They get it. It can't be that hard...What are we waiting for???
"I have come that you may have life and have it in abundance" John 10:10

God, Thank You for a new day, every single 24 hours. May I honor You with it and live it abundantly!

In His Dust,


Friday, May 14, 2010

A Way Out...

We must remember, in the midst of our complaining...
We have a gracious God, Who is continuously providing a way out.

God, Thank You for sending Jesus to live among us and show us Who You are.

In His Dust,
*cartoon by Cuyler Black

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pea In The Pod...

The problem with this world is...that it doesn’t fit.
Oh, it's fine for now, sometimes even wonderful beyond description....but we are not created for permanent residence here.
So, the next time you think something doesn't feel fair or right, or just doesn't seem to fit...
You know the feeling?
It feels like you are wearing your Daddy's shoes on the wrong are probably right.

But take heart, one day you and I will be standing next to Him.
And that moment when we are with Him...everything will fit perfectly-
like a pea in the pod.
God, Thank You for The Place You have prepared for us. Thank you for the blessings You have given us while we are here.

In His Dust,

Monday, May 10, 2010


Life ain't the like the line at Luby's .....You don't get to pick how things turn out or what all happens at what time....

You know...excuse me ma'am,I would like a Red Jell-O...
and also, can you separate my dad's knee replacement surgery and rehab from my grandmother's pneumonia?
I am really not interested in raining and pouring at the same time.
Oh, and also while you are at it...I would like some fried chicken, mashed potatoes and can you have all of these things NOT happen on my Mom's 65th b-day and Mother's Day weekend?

We all have things we would like to change...some big...some small....some earth shattering...some a matter of convenience...

However, we must be confident that...someone Who loves us more than we behind the counter....and He is handing out exactly what we need, when we need it.

As a bonus, He has also, picked up the tab.

God, Thank You, for being behind the counter of my life...for never leaving and knowing what is best for me.

In His Dust,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Hee Hee...

I love you more than words could ever say... I thank you for teaching me how to walk, talk, laugh and love...

Because of you...I know what the personality of God must be like.

You embody unconditional love, happiness, giggles and blessings...

You....are love.
You....are countless numbers of people.
Being Weezie Chesney's daughter"...means more to me, than I can ever put into words.
God, Thank You for blessing me with this woman for a mommy. Thank You for showing Yourself to me, through her. This child, "arises and calls her blessed..."
Gratefully, In His Dust,

Monday, May 3, 2010

Chicago Part 2...

Final thoughts from Chicago and the Q Conference....

We can either be part of the judgement culture or part of the grace solution- Be quick to give a second chance.

Give up the right to revenge.
Forgiveness is brave.

Chase the prodigals.

Spiritual breakthrough is often birthed from a season of suffering.

Time between resurrection & ascension is a tender revelation of Jesus' heart...
He found his friends & restored them.

Transparency isn't just a good idea, it's essential for real growth & community

God, Thank You for giving us the opportunity to be the bridge for someone. Those of us who know better, MUST do better.

In His Dust,